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Innovative robot technology

Market leading high-speed pick & place robots that do not run on a dedicated robot control system.
Codian Robotics b.v.

D4-500-S010 demo

Newly developed 5th axis for the D4-800/1100/1300-2 models!

At the moment the fastest 5 axis robot on the market!

Codian Robotics supplies high speed pick & place robots that do not run on a dedicated robot control system. The gearboxes and servo motors are mounted on the robot’s frame and all other moving parts have a lightweight construction. This allows the robot to be dynamic and fast.

Codian robots use the control system of the customer, eliminating the need for a duplicate control system. Through this unique feature, we meet the needs of a growing demand from the market, to

have one integral control system for the machine. In turn, purchase price, maintenance costs and physical space are saved. Another important advantage is that no communication is required between two control systems of different manufacturers.


Codian Robotics -The leading innovator of Pick & Place robots

Our robots are supplied with planetary gearboxes. If required servo motors are included. Codian Robotics does not depend on working with a specific brand, but instead works with suppliers of servo motors and control systems worldwide.

Codian robots are specifically suited for the packaging industry,the food and pharmaceutical industry. The Codian robots have existed since 2002 and were built by a manufacturer of robot lines. There are over 1600 robots world-wide in use. On June 1, 2011, Codian Robotics was established as an independent company.

Our Mission: To contribute continuous innovation and development of mechanical robot technologies throughout the global marketplace.

Industrial robotics

The Codian Robotics Delta robot is your solution in fast moving applications. We have the widest portfolio so you will find the best possible robot for your application.

To operate the Codian Robotics Delta robot, you do not need a dedicated control. Instead you can use the control of your machine to run the robot. All control system suppliers do have our robots in their library. Can you imagine the time and costs this saves you?High speed and precision is why you choose a Codian Robotics Delta robot.

We are happy to help you to find the best possible solution. As we like to be your center of expertise, you can discuss your application with us and contact us for help and information any time. Besides our knowledge, we also offer you our Standardized Customization. We want to offer you the best suitable robot at standard costs.
Codian robot 2

Our design

Codian Robotics offers over 101 different configurations and above that it is also possible to use the Standardized Customization we offer; the possibility to customize your robot out of our standardized parts.

All our robots are solely the mechanical part of the robot. To control the robot you can use the control of the machine to run the robot. All control systems do have experience in running our robot.

As the robots by Codian Robotics are designed and built to be robust, strong and flexible, hardly any maintenance is needed. No service contract is demanded. The little maintenance can easily be done by the Technical Department during the yearly maintenance of the complete machine.

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